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The Journey Begins — Part Four:

Beyond Borders: Designing a Life of Meaning and Connection

Discovering the Best Places to Live Your Best Life

In our last post, we discussed using our distinct global experiences to build a cohesive life that spans borders. We also explored lessons learned in Buenos Aires and Beijing; and their key roles in our growth as global citizens. What’s more, we reviewed our vision for a home abroad and began to look closer at the lifestyle we’re seeking.

Here’s what you can expect from this post:

  • Barcelona’s Barri Gòtic and the Art of Living Well. Discover how living in Barcelona‘s Barri Gòtic helped teach me to appreciate the moment; as well as how the right city can help elevate the best parts of ourselves.
  • Philosophy of Living Your Best Life. Share our thoughts about ‘living your best life’ being an evolving journey; deeply shaped by the places we live and how they align with our values and goals.
  • The Perfect Timing for Our Global Adventure. Find out why this period could be ideal for taking on the journey to find our second home abroad. 
  • Evolving Concept of ‘Home’. Trace the evolution of our concept of ‘home’, from the first steps taken towards a life across multiple communities.

Barcelona’s Barri Gòtic: Where My Global Journey Deepened

The moment I came to understand the meaningful emotional impact a location could have on my well-being is forever etched in my memory.

I was living in Barri Gòtic in Barcelona at the time. A neighborhood that’s a labyrinth of history and culture. That evening, after wandering its medieval alleyways, I found myself at a tapas bar with a group of friends: some expats, some locals.

We sampled plates of patatas bravas, pan con tomate, Jamón Ibérico and so on. Washing them down with Estrella Damm, cava and sangria. Our conversation flowed as freely as the drinks, touching on everything from local politics to the latest FC Barcelona match.

It was one of those perfect starts to a potential-laden Barcelona evening. The atmosphere was electric but intimate — people laughing, glasses clinking, animated conversations in a mix of Catalan, Spanish, and English, and a sense of community that was near palpable. 

Sitting there, sharing stories and tapas, I looked around and realized how perfectly this moment captured the essence of what I had come to love about Barcelona. The city had taught me the art of living well. Its work-life balance, emphasis on community, late-night dinners, focus on passion-driven work and pursuits.

Here I was, thousands of miles away from where I grew up, yet I felt profoundly connected. 

“I am not the same having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.”

– Mary Anne Radmacher

The Epiphany: When Place and Identity Align

That night, walking back to my apartment through Barri Gòtic’s maze like corridors, I had an epiphany of sorts.

The place you call home can either stifle or amplify your true self.

Barcelona wasn’t just a city I lived in; it was a city that lived in me.

Barri Gòtic, Barcelona, Spain

It was as if the city itself was an extension of my own spirit, like an old friend who knew exactly how to bring out the best in me.

Whether in cafes buzzing with creative energy while immersed in work close to my heart, or cherishing unforgettable late-night escapades with good friends in tucked-away jazz bars and clandestine speakeasies, each experience seemed a masterclass in how to live more fully.

Barcelona showed me there are places and lifestyles out there more connected to my values, passions, aspirations, and seemingly the essence of who I am, than I had imagined before. It seems so simple.

“The place you call home can either stifle or amplify your true self”

But, it was a paradigm shift for me. I wasn’t just adapting to the city; the city was also enhancing me. 

It was perhaps there in Barcelona that the seed was planted that a second home could — and probably should — be in an environment that’s thoughtfully aligned with the core of who I was.

The dream of a second home emerged much less a luxury and more as an essential cornerstone for living a life true to myself.

Our Philosophy: How to Truly Live Your Best Life

“Life is about moments: don’t wait for them, create them.”

Tony Robbins

The concept of “living your best life” isn’t just a catchy phrase, it’s a philosophy we take to heart. 

Let me share a few (albeit admittedly, overly simplistic) Barcelona memories that help encapsulate this philosophy.

More Than a Game, a Community

Picture this: Still living in Barri Gòtic; one autumn evening, I’m in a lively bar surrounded by soccer fans. All eyes glued to the TV screen. Barça was playing, and the air crackled with excitement.

The crowd’s eruptive energy and the magnificent way cheers morphed into chants are elements permanently stamped in my awareness. That night, I witnessed Lionel Messi, still in the early stages of his meteoric rise, net a crucial goal for La Blaugrana. Sheer magic.

As a soccer enthusiast and a competitive player in my youth, this was one more simple yet brilliant shared experience in this city. Another faint but wonderful reminder that, in this place, I was closely connected to something more than myself.

The Beach: From SoCal to Barceloneta

“The traveler sees what he sees, the tourist sees what he has come to see.”

G.K. Chesterton

The next day, I was at Barceloneta Beach, a place that always felt simultaneously exotic and strangely familiar.

I grew up on the beaches of Southern California. The sand and salt water had long been personal touchstones; as much a part of my personal culture as they were of the landscape.

Not surprisingly, the Barceloneta beaches were different. The Mediterranean sun seemed softer and crowd more diverse. The vibe, while still relaxed, was busier with a more metropolitan feel.

Yet, it still felt like home, or perhaps, a version of home that I didn’t know I was missing.

These events seemed subtle nods to a lifestyle that often magnified many of the best parts of me.

I’d found a place where the local way of life — emphasizing community and social relationships, championing meaningful work, blending beach relaxation with exciting city life, oozing creative energy, even its fervor for fútbol — brilliantly reflected many of my own passions, values and dreams.

Facing Challenges: Why the Right Environment Matters

Now, was life in Barcelona without challenges? Absolutely not.

I had my fair share of struggles, from language barriers to navigating a new bureaucratic system to all the many other random weekly obstacles that get thrown your way when hacking it abroad.

But here’s the thing: life, no matter where you are, will always include challenges and difficulties.

So why not take them on while living in an environment that seems to be working with (and reinforcing) you rather than in one that is neutral, or worse seems to be working against you?

As an expat or traveler, what is the biggest challenge you’ve faced?


Unlocking the True Potential of Expat Life: How Our Second Home Will Elevate Our Global Journey

It’s a deeply personal, evolving journey that is profoundly influenced by where you choose to live.

These memorable expat experiences, among countless others, continue to shape and refine who I am.

Needless-to-say, it wasn’t just about the joy of watching soccer in a local bar or the comfort of a beach that reminded me of my Californian roots.

It was about understanding that the concept of ‘living your best life’ isn’t a one-size-fits-all template. It’s a deeply personal, evolving journey that is profoundly influenced by where you choose to live.

Plaça Reial, Barcelona, Spain

And that’s what we’re seeking in our second home abroad — a place that not only meets our practical needs but also aligns with our philosophy of living our best life.

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”

Helen Keller

For us, the blueprint for a more joyful life starts with knowing ourselves, and is enriched by a pinch of excitement, a lively social scene, fulfilling work, and a stable foundation. A second home overseas is a pivotal move toward this ideal life — and will be an incredible gateway to even more adventures.

Why Now is the Perfect Time for Our Adventure

These next few years, before ultimately choosing a destination, will be crucial for our family.

“It’s not just about finding a house; it’s about building a home with purpose.”

This period is a crossroads for us, especially in terms of the lifestyle we envision for ourselves.

It offers a unique window to thoughtfully decide where we’ll spend a considerable part of the next chapter of our lives and what quality of life we aim to achieve. 

So, the timing might end up working out pretty well for us. Since my son is currently in eighth grade, that gives us at least five years to research and explore, before finally settling into a second home abroad.

Life has a funny way of nudging us toward new horizons, often revealing paths we never knew existed.

For me, the idea of finding a second home abroad wasn’t born out of a single ‘aha’ moment but rather a culmination of years of international living that have profoundly shaped my worldview. 

“Life has a funny way of nudging us toward new horizons.”

Life Across Multiple Communities: The Convergence of Time, Technology, and Heart

Years after my transformative experience in Barcelona, I sat at my favorite local bar in Buenos Aires. Savoring a cold pint and the warmth of friendships nurtured over a six-month stay, a familiar revelation dawned on me:

I was no longer just passing through here. Once again, I’d formed meaningful relationships, created memories, and started building a life in this city, just as I had in London, Rome, and Barcelona.

Wherever Bar
Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Yet, each time I moved it felt like hitting a ‘reset’ button. I had to start all over from scratch.

But why did it have to be that way?

Why couldn’t I have a more permanent residence in multiple communities?

We live in an unprecedented era where technology has erased geographical boundaries, and shifts in work culture have untethered us from traditional office spaces.

This confluence of factors has created a fertile ground for our family’s unique dream: to not only visit, but to deeply understand and become part of multiple global communities.

“The world is more interconnected than ever, making our dream entirely possible.”

The coming years unfurl before us like an uncharted map, teeming with opportunities to not just visit but to deeply engage with various cultures. It’s a rare privilege to refine our concept of ‘home’ in real-time, aligning it with our family’s evolving ethos and aspirations.

This isn’t just about finding a second home. It’s about expanding our definition of home. It’s about ensuring that our future residence abroad isn’t simply a nice house, but a community — a living, breathing entity that aligns with our lifestyle and values.

And we’re committed to navigating this journey with both our hearts and minds, ensuring that our next chapter abroad isn’t just a page, but an entire volume in our family’s ongoing saga.

The Blueprint: When Daydreams Became Destiny

A year after my enriching chapter in Buenos Aires, I found myself on a thirteen-hour transpacific flight from Hong Kong to Los Angeles.

It was here, suspended between two continents that I finally committed my long-held dreams to paper.

A high-altitude view from inside an airplane, showing the airplane's wing against a background of fluffy clouds and a vast ocean

With the plane soaring 35,000 feet above the ocean, I took out a notebook and began sketching out the initial blueprint for a life that would span multiple global communities.

With nothing but time and my thoughts, I jotted down the places where I had felt most alive, most connected.

Barcelona was an obvious choice. But there were reasons to consider many others: the passionate heart of Buenos Aires, the bustling energy of Beijing, the serene landscapes of Tuscany, the tech-savvy streets of Seoul…

“To travel is to evolve.”

– Pierre Bernardo

Likewise, I noted down locations I hadn’t yet visited but beckoned with the promise of similar magic.

This exercise marked a turning point: it wasn’t really a daydream anymore. This was a plan taking shape; the early beginnings of a roadmap to a life enriched by diverse experiences and deep connections. It was a pledge to myself, a commitment to not just seeing the world but genuinely living in it.

The Journey Ahead: Your Invitation to a Life Less Ordinary

An inviting, open doorway or gate, leading to a picturesque vista that blends elements from various global destinations.

As we set sail on this incredible adventure, we extend an invitation to you. An invitation to dream bigger, to venture farther, and to unearth what truly matters.

Whether you’re an aspiring expat, a worldly traveler, or simply someone craving a life that’s authentically yours, let this blog be your field guide to genuine experiences.

Together, let’s uncover the places that make us come alive, that stretch our capacities, and that ultimately make us better human beings. Because in the end, isn’t that what life’s all about?

“This is not the end. It’s not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

Winston Churchill

Thank you for being a part of this journey from its inception. Your participation enriches this adventure, transforming it into a shared exploration of what life can truly offer.

Keep tuned in, engage with us, share your thoughts and let’s make this journey a transformative experience for everyone involved.

As we wrap up this post, I want you to know that this journey is not only about my family and me.

It’s about all of us who dare to dream of a life less ordinary. We’re not merely tourists passing through; we’re citizens of the world, seeking to enrich our lives in meaningful ways.

If you’ve ever felt the pull of distant lands or yearned for a life that aligns more closely with your true self, then I invite you to join us.

Which of these destinations would you most like to live in as an expat?


Your insights, questions, and stories aren’t just welcomed; they’re essential.

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”

Marcel Proust

Your Invitation to a Life Without Borders: How to Join Our #AspiringExpatsJourney

We’re deeply grateful you’re taking the first step with us.

Please stay tuned for our next post, where we’ll delve into the practical aspects of our search. Further, we’ll review the criteria we’re using to choose our second home, the challenges we anticipate, and how you can be an active participant in this journey.

Until then, here’s to your own journey of discovery and to living your best life.

If this post resonated with you, please share it and join the conversation using the hashtag #AspiringExpatsJourney. Cheers to new beginnings and to living a life without borders. See you in the next post!

– Aaron & Family

We love hearing from fellow global adventurers! Undeniably, your experiences, challenges, and triumphs as an expat are not just inspiring – they’re the heartbeat of our community.

Please take a moment to share your story with us and our readers. Indeed, every journey is unique, and your insights could be the guiding light for someone else’s path.

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Our Unexpected Chapter Abroad: Why We’re Pursuing a Second Home in a New Country, Part 4