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The Journey Begins — Part Two (of Five):

Reflections and Resonance: Choosing Our Second Home Abroad

Discovering the Best Places to Live Your Best Life

Welcome back to our journey. In our last post, we examined how my experience in London sparked my desire for a global lifestyle and how conversations in a Covent Garden pub began to change my worldview.

Today, let’s explore further how our surroundings — the cities we inhabit — reflect and influence who we are. In this post, we unpack what I call the ‘mirror effect’ of cities and how they shape our identity and experiences.

Here’s what you can expect from this post:

  • The Mirror Effect of Cities. Explore how our identities and aspirations are shaped and reflected by the cities we live in, with a focus on Barcelona and Hamburg.
  • Barcelona: A City of Connection and Discovery. Ponder Barcelona’s spirit, from the winding corridors of Barri Gotiq to the stimulating streets of Barceloneta, and how it nurtured my appreciation for community and the art of living well.
  • Hamburg: Lessons in Sustainability and Legacy. Reflect on my experiences in Hamburg’s Stadtpark and how the city’s commitment to sustainability and green spaces influenced my views on responsible living and fatherhood.
  • London: A Brief Glimpse into Global Diversity. Touch upon how London’s diverse atmosphere added to my understanding of global citizenship and its ongoing influence on our search for a second home.
  • Beyond Physical Spaces. Understand our quest for a second home as more than a geographical change. It’s about finding a place that encapsulates our collective experiences, values, and dreams.

The Mirror Effect: How Cities Reflect and Shape Our Inner Selves

“Cities were always like people, showing their varying personalities to the traveler.”

– Roman Payne

Before we continue, let’s pause to consider an insight that’s become increasingly apparent to me over the years: cities, much like people, have unique personalities. They come with their own set of distinct quirks, characteristics, and energies that can either clash with your own or resonate in a way that can feel almost magical.

Just as we are drawn to certain people who bring out the best in us, so too are we drawn to cities that reflect and reinforce cherished aspects of our own identity.

To clarify, below is a brief snapshot of a few cities that have been pivotal in shaping my personal evolution:

“Barcelona didn’t just host me; it nurtured parts of me I didn’t even know needed nurturing.”

Barcelona: The Art of Living Well 

Take Barcelona, for instance. The city resonated with my love for community, social relationships, and passion-driven pursuits. It taught me the value of slowing down to savor life’s simple joys, whether it was a leisurely siesta or a late-night dinner with friends.

Barcelona didn’t just host me; it nurtured parts of me I didn’t even know needed nurturing.

Barcelona’s Winding Alleys: A Journey of Connection and Discovery

A photo-style image of Barri Gotiq’s medieval alleys in Barcelona at sunset. The image captures the warm, golden glow of the setting sun

Barcelona was always a city of serendipitous adventures and sincere connections for me. It also had an incredible knack for unveiling its secrets in the most unexpected moments. Much like the winding historic passages of Barri Gotiq, Barcelona revealed its charm in layers.

One particular late summer evening I recall starting out, as I often did during those days, wandering through Barri Gotiq’s medieval alleys. With the sun casting its balmy golden glare on its ancient stone walls, I made my way towards Port Vell.

Arriving at the waterfront, the atmosphere shifted from the historical to the nautical, with yachts bobbing in the marina. The harbor scene buzzed with an energy both invigorating and soothing. The sea breeze carried the revitalizing scents of the Mediterranean Sea along with the promise of adventure.

Here, amidst the hum of this seaside promenade, I met with friends. Each from different corners of the world and drawn here for a variety of reasons, but all united by Barcelona’s magnetic pull.

Together, we strolled towards Barceloneta with no particular destination in mind.

It was a leisurely walk, filled with laughter and stories, the kind that flow freely in the company of good friends. The horizon soon filled with exquisite yellows, oranges and purples, as the sun dipped below the city skyline.

Meandering to and through Barceloneta’s narrow streets, the mood was of camaraderie and anticipation for the night ahead.

The Essence of Local Flavor and Fellowship

A photo style image of the interior of a cozy, authentic Catalan restaurant. The image shows a warm and inviting atmosphere with dim lighting

It was here, tucked away in a quiet alley, that we stumbled upon a small, unassuming restaurant. Its facade gave little away, but the inviting glow from inside seemed to call to us.

Entering the restaurant felt like stepping into another world, one where time slowed and the outside world faded.

The intimate space was alive with an infectious energy. I even spotted a good Catalan friend seated at a table towards the back, delighting in his meal with a small group.

This lesser-known eatery was a refuge of authentic Catalan cuisine and heartfelt hospitality. Its walls, adorned with art that spoke of Barcelona’s impressive history and contemporary creativity, enveloped us in an ambiance that was both warm and intriguing.

The menu, a delectable collection of local flavors, encouraged us to indulge in the art of slow dining; a practice so cherished in this part of the world (and one I would come to quite enjoy taking part in).

As the evening unfolded, our group grew larger, with locals and fellow expats drawn into our circle. This spontaneous gathering was a testament to the city’s welcoming spirit and its uncanny ability to turn strangers into friends.

Leaving the restaurant, the streets of Barceloneta (as they often did in this city) seemed to whisper nocturnal secrets, inviting us to continue our exploration.

That night, as we roamed under the night sky, Barcelona showed itself not only as a city, but as a living, breathing entity that thrives on passion, community, and the sheer joy of existence.

Barcelona’s Lasting Impression: Lessons in Living and Connecting

Reflecting on that evening, I realized it encapsulated so much of what I cherished about Barcelona.

It was a city that encouraged you to lose yourself in its streets, only to find yourself part of a larger story. A city where the joy of discovery was around every corner, and the art of living well wasn’t just a concept, but a daily practice.

That evening, in a hidden corner of Barceloneta, I was reminded of the beauty of discovery and the joy of connecting with people and places that resonate deeply with our spirits. Barcelona had once again revealed its magic, showing us that sometimes, the most memorable experiences are found in the most unexpected places.

Such moments remind us that the journey is as enriching as the destination.

This experience, and many others like it, is why we seek a second home abroad. We’re not simply looking for a beautiful place to live; we’re searching for a community, a lifestyle, a place where the art of living well — whether in narrow alleys, waterfront walkways or lively plazas — is embraced in everyday life.

“In Hamburg, my understanding of crafting a meaningful life deepened, highlighting a responsibility towards future generations.”

Hamburg: Where Sustainability Meets Legacy

In Hamburg, I found a different kind of resonance. The fact that my son was born there along with the city’s focus on sustainability, with its abundant green spaces and beautiful waterways, reinforced my own commitment to leaving a better world for the next generation.

It ingrained in me the belief that crafting a meaningful life involves a deep sense of responsibility towards future generations.

Hamburg’s Stadtpark: A Green Sanctuary of Reflection and Bonding

In the heart of Hamburg there’s a large park, a massive leafy retreat known as Stadtpark. As it happened, the park ended up becoming quite special for me and my son during our time in Germany.

Many a morning, I’d gently bundle my newborn son up in his cozy blanket, set him in his stroller, and we’d set out on our daily ritual; a relaxed walk through this sprawling green oasis. During our strolls, I not only bonded with my son but often reflected on the kind of world he’d inherit.

Watching him quietly sleep in his stroller, I often wondered about the values I wanted to instill in him, like curiosity, compassion, and resilience.

Strolling along the park’s well-maintained paths, I felt a profound connection to Hamburg’s ethos. Its lush greenery, thriving amidst its urban surroundings, was a constant reminder of the city’s dedication to a sustainable future.

This commitment hasn’t waned over the years; in fact, Hamburg has been consistently recognized for its leadership in environmental protection and sustainability, both during my time there and beyond.

In these quiet moments, surrounded by the park’s tranquility, I frequently pondered my own responsibilities – as a father, and as a caretaker of both the micro and macro environments my child would grow up in.

It was here that I really came to terms with the enormity of fatherhood. Watching my son gaze with wonder at the world around him, I felt an unwavering duty to nurture his innate passions and abilities, guiding him to be compassionate, mindful, and aware of his impact on the world.

Our walks in Stadtpark became meditative for me, strengthening my commitment to sustainability and responsible living. The park was more than a place for leisure; it was a tutor quietly imparting nature’s delicate wisdom.

Embracing Nature’s Lessons: Sustainability, Responsibility and Balance

Each tree, each bird, each breath of wind served as a constant reminder of the importance of living sustainably and finding peace and balance in our interactions with life around us.

As my son slept peacefully, unaware of the world’s complexities, I became increasingly aware of how the choices we make today, and how we choose to live and engage with our environments, fashion the world we know and mold our futures.

These experiences in Hamburg, especially being a new father, resonated with me on a profound level.

It wasn’t just about enjoying the park’s serene beauty; it was a reflection on my role as a father and our collective duty towards the world we leave behind for our children.

Walking the paths of Stadtpark, I envisioned the future world I desired for my son. A world where sustainability — personal healthwise, economically, and environmentally — isn’t merely a concept, but a way of life; a world where he could thrive, achieve fulfillment, contribute positively, and find his own path.

My commitment to this vision grew with every step we took together in that park.

Hamburg, through its green spaces and environmental consciousness, had a significant influence on me, shaping my beliefs and actions towards a sustainable lifestyle, and instilling in me a deeper sense of obligation as a parent and a global citizen.

“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”

Oliver Wendell Holmes

London: A Melting Pot of Global Possibilities

London, England

Then there’s London, my gateway to the world. A global melting pot that reflected my own diverse interests, friendships, and background. The city’s blend of history, modernity, and cultural diversity made it a place where I felt both comfortable and constantly challenged.

London taught me the value of being a global citizen, capable of adapting to new environments without losing my individuality.

Each city has a voice, a unique character that calls out to us. Some of them can resonate with our personal values or lifestyle in amazing ways. Have you felt a special connection with a particular city? We’d love to hear about this special city and the magic it holds for you. Share your city and how it speaks to you.

The Transformative Power of Place 

The places we choose to live can profoundly shape our experiences.


These cities, and many more, have been wonderfully memorable places to live; but they’ve also been engines of personal transformation. Each one contributed to my ever-expanding understanding of who I am and what I value most. In doing that, they’ve enriched my life and broadened my perspectives in ways I hadn’t anticipated.

The locations we choose as our homes can fundamentally impact our lives.

It’s not always immediately apparent, but they can amplify the best parts of us, challenge us in new ways, and even introduce us to parts of ourselves we didn’t know existed.

“Cities, like mirrors, reflect different aspects of ourselves back to us. The key is to find the ones that reflect the aspects we love the most.”

Concluding Reflections: Beyond Physical Spaces

As we look back on these life-altering experiences and the lasting impact of the places we’ve called home, we stand on the edge of an exhilarating chapter.

Our search for a second home transcends geography; it’s a quest for a place that embodies our collective experiences, resonates with our deepest values, and echoes our aspirations.

We invite you to join us as we continue this explorative journey, seeking not just a neat new location, but a realm where our spirits can truly flourish.

What are the most important factors for you when choosing a second home abroad?

Coming Up Next: Bridging Our Past and Future

In our next post, ‘Drawing on Global Experiences and Crafting Our Ideal Life,’ we will dive deeper into the philosophical and emotional motivations that steer our path.

We’ll also reflect on how our past, dotted with significant global encounters, influences our vision of a home that transcends the physical – a space that personifies our life’s narrative and values.

On the Horizon: Next Steps of Our Journey

In the coming months, we’ll probe the intricate details of international living; sharing our insights and learning from the global community.

Our next steps involve shoring up the reasons why we’re pursuing a second home abroad. After that, we’ll meticulously evaluate potential destinations. We’ll consider various factors like cultural richness, lifestyle compatibility, and opportunities for personal growth.

Additionally, we’ll delve into the nuances of each location, exploring everything from local customs and community dynamics to the practicalities of daily living such as healthcare, education, and connectivity.

Expect in-depth blogs capturing our experiences as we visit each destination. Our candid assessments will include it all, the surprises, the challenges, and the moments of joy.

These explorations will be more than a series of travelogs; they’ll be a combination of learnings and reflections on what makes each place unique and potentially the right choice for us.

A collage representing various aspects of international travel destinations. The collage includes images of cultural elements, local cuisine, traditions

Expanding Our Horizons: A Glimpse into Future Destinations

Our journey ahead is marked by visits to some of the world’s most enchanting locales. Each destination has been carefully selected not simply for its aesthetic appeal or amenities; but for the unique way of life it offers, and its alignment with our values and aspirations.

Mallorca, Spain: Our First Deep Dive

We begin with an in-depth exploration of Mallorca, Spain, a place that has long enchanted us with its vibrant culture, breathtaking landscapes, and warm community.

We will also immerse ourselves in the local life, from the bustling markets of Palma to the serene hilltop villages to its secluded coastal enclaves, seeking insights into what makes this island a potential place to call home.

Beyond Mallorca: Exploring Diversity

From the cobblestone streets of Porto to the relaxing beaches of Bali, each destination will become a chapter in our story. We aim to understand the soul of each place – its people, its traditions, and how it might influence and enrich our lives.

Your Part in Our Global Story

This journey is not ours alone. We believe that every voice, every story adds depth to our understanding.

We encourage you to share your experiences and insights about these destinations. Have you lived in or visited any of them? What was unique about your experience? Your contributions are not just welcome; they are vital.

Join the Conversation

Use the hashtag #AspiringExpatsJourney to share your stories, photos, and advice. Your perspectives will bolster our journey and those of our readers, creating a compilation of global experiences.

We’re curious to learn about your aspirations and experiences in the realm of expat living. Your insights are invaluable to our community. Please take a moment to share your thoughts in the survey below.

Thank you for sharing your experiences and dreams with us. Each story adds depth to our understanding of the expat journey. Stay tuned for how your insights guide our adventure!

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We’ll also feature community stories and highlight the collective wisdom of our growing global family.

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Don’t miss out on our journey to find the perfect second home! Sign up for our newsletter and be the first to know about our latest adventures, tips, and discoveries

As we navigate this transformative journey, your companionship and input make it all the more meaningful. Together, we aren’t just exploring the world; we are discovering ways to live more authentically, passionately, and connectedly.

So, here’s to the adventures that lie ahead, to the connections we will make, and to the home we will eventually find. Thank you for being an integral part of our journey.

With gratitude and excitement,

– Aaron & Family

“During my almost seven years spent living abroad, I’ve called London, Hamburg, Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Beijing, and Rome home – and from those hubs, traveled to many more incredible places.”

For an extra dose of inspiration to ignite your expat journey, our Destinations and About pages are must-visits.

Upcoming Destinations: Spotlight on Porto

Porto, Portugal

As we continue our journey, our next spotlight shines on the enchanting city of Porto, Portugal. Known for its extensive maritime history, distinctive culture, and stunning Douro River views, Porto promises a mixture of tradition and modernity that deeply appeals to our quest for an engaging and fulfilling lifestyle.

This city, renowned for its world-class wine and charismatic neighborhoods, calls us with the allure of its warm community spirit and a slower pace of life that encourages mindfulness and connection.

Our family looks forward to exploring the cobblestone streets of Ribeira, indulging in the local culinary delicacies, and embracing the intimate yet cosmopolitan vibe that Porto offers.

We’re excited to discover how this city, steeped in a sense of legacy and innovation, might entwine itself into our story and potentially become a cornerstone of our international lifestyle.

Our Unexpected Chapter Abroad: Why We’re Pursuing a Second Home in a New Country, Part 2