World map and travel accessories

The Journey Begins — Part One (of Five):

Why We’re Searching for Our Second Home Abroad

Discovering the Best Places to Live Your Best Life

“What if the life you’ve always dreamed of lies just beyond the borders of your comfort zone? Join us as we set out on a life-changing journey to discover not just a second home, but a second chance at living our best lives.”

An inspiring image that encapsulates the spirit of international travel and exploration, symbolizing a journey beyond borders.

Hello everyone! Welcome to the first part of our blog series, Discovering the Best Places to Live Your Best Life.

If you’re here, it’s likely because you share a passion for international travel, a curiosity about life abroad, or perhaps you’re even contemplating a move overseas. Whatever your reason, I’m thrilled you’ve joined us.

The Heart of A Journey Beyond Borders is a comprehensive chronicle of our family’s journey to find our ideal second home abroad. Consider it our real-time digital diary, capturing the highs, lows, and everything in between as we traverse the globe in search of that perfect locale. 

Starting with our debut blog series, Discovering the Best Places to Live Your Best Life, we’ll get personal. Moreover, we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of international living, as well as our own intimate journey into it. 

We’ll also dig into each destination we consider, breaking down everything from cost of living to cultural nuances. But we won’t stop there.

Additionally, we’ll share our own hard-earned wisdom, practical suggestions, and actionable tips aimed at elevating your international experiences.

“We’re not just looking for a vacation spot; we’re searching for a place that resonates with our values, lifestyle, and aspirations.”

In this post, we’ll begin by sharing some of the early inspiration behind our journey.

We’ll also explore how my initial friendships overseas became transformative learning experiences, breaking down my preconceived ideas and expanding my appreciation for the global community.

These interactions, though I didn’t know it at the time, were laying the groundwork for a life spanning multiple international borders.

Here’s what you can expect from this post:

  • How London Changed My Worldview. Share the pivotal experiences in London that ignited my passion for a global lifestyle and shaped my perspective on what it means to live internationally
  • Conversations that Reshape Perspectives. Glimpse into the enlightening conversations in Covent Garden that expanded my views on success, happiness, and the influence of culture
  • Embracing a Life of Global Discovery and Connection. Explore our journey towards a more authentic and globally-informed lifestyle
  • A Quest for Personal and Cultural Alignment. Understand our motivations behind seeking a second home abroad, a place that aligns with our values, experiences, and aspirations

So grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and let’s jump into this wild journey together.

“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”

Ibn Battuta

Beyond the Tourist Trail: A Deep Dive into the Life of an Aspiring Expat

Since you’re reading this, chances are you’re not just a tourist, but a traveler at heart — someone who yearns for a deeper connection with the places you visit.

You’re in the right place.

Our goal is to find a second home that not only meets our practical needs but also enriches our lives. We’re not just looking for a vacation spot; we’re searching for a place that resonates with our values, lifestyle, and aspirations. A place where we can thrive.

“Join us as we explore the world and discover the best places to live your best life.”

But, why should you care?

Because this journey isn’t only about us; it’s about challenging the status quo and redefining what it means — and how — to live a fulfilling life.

Whether you’re an aspiring expat, a seasoned traveler, or someone contemplating a life less ordinary, this series offers you a front-row seat to the joys, challenges, and life-altering power of living abroad.

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

André Gide

The Spark: How London Ignited My Love for Global Living

London, England
London, England

A Summer Unlike Any Other: The Discovery of a Different Life

Time has a way of blurring the edges of our memories, yet the summer I spent in London during my university years remains as vivid as ever.

It wasn’t simply another stamp in my passport. This was the period I discovered life overseas could be not just different, but often better than I’d experienced at home.

It wasn’t merely the electrifying football matches uniting fans in witty chants and epic song-choruses. Nor was it the age-old pubs where conversations flowed as naturally as their time-honored ales. London was also a fascinating melting pot of cultures; a global village as intellectually stimulating as it was emotionally enriching.

And there was its proximity, effortlessly linking it to the rest of Europe. Barely an hour-long flight landed me in Paris, where I spent a memorable week at the time.

But what made that summer truly extraordinary were the friendships I made — connections that transcended borders and broke cultural barriers. Each new friend added another intricate layer to my evolving worldview.

To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.”

Aldous Huxley

We’re on a journey to find our perfect second home abroad, and we’re curious about your dream expat destinations. Which place calls out to you, and what makes it special? Share your thoughts with us!

There’s something extraordinary about the conversations that change us.

Among the tens of thousands we’ll have and lose to time, certain exchanges have an enduring influence, reshaping us in ways that firmly anchor them in the forefront of our memory.

A Night in Covent Garden: Beginning of a Global Perspective

A cozy, atmospheric image of an old pub in Covent Garden, London. The scene is set for an evening of conversations, with a focus on warmth & character

In the heart of London’s Covent Garden, hidden away in a historic pub, I found myself amidst a motley crew of fellow summer program students. The air that evening buzzed, charged with tinges of the pub’s storied past and youthful exuberance. This wasn’t any old night; this was an evening that would help redefine my perspective on lifestyle and the broader world.

Gathered around a time-worn wooden table, under the warm glow of dim lights, we were an eclectic group: English natives joined by international students from Germany, Brazil, India, Ghana, Italy, South Korea and more. 

We represented an exceptionally wide range of cultures and backgrounds, all feeling quite comfortable within a city known for its expansive multicultural landscape.

Diversity at the Roundtable: Expanding Worldviews

The diversity was in more than our nationalities, but in our stories, our dreams, our views on the world.

Despite knowing each other only a few weeks, as the night progressed and pints were shared, our dialogue deepened. We dug deep into topics ranging from politics to business to culture, from global issues to personal aspirations.

What captivated me most was the extraordinary breadth and depth of the thoughts, opinions and outlooks.

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.

Mark Twain

Defining Success: Perspectives from Across the Globe

One moment stood out among the rest.

It involved an exchange with a friend from Germany and another from India, where we talked about “success”. The chat took several turns.

My Indian peer started by emphasizing career and financial stability as the staples of success. Then, my German friend countered highlighting the importance of personal fulfillment and making a societal impact. 

The compelling discourse challenged and broadened the beliefs I held at the time. Those being deeply rooted in American ideals like independence, individual achievement and financial success.

The chat was a paradigm shift, opening my eyes to the validity of many different yet well-founded interpretations of — and paths to — “success.” 

Finally, there was my English classmate, keen to stir the pot and brilliant at challenging any established idea. A master at playing devil’s advocate, he often elegantly nudged us to reconsider our long-held beliefs and assumptions.

One of his questions that evening, while its answer emerges more clearly to me now, made me pause. He asked: 

“How much of our understanding of success and happiness is truly ours, and how much is simply a reflection of the cultural and societal influences we’ve grown up exposed to?”

His question hit me hard.

Challenging Established Beliefs: A Cultural Rethink

Of course, this wasn’t about success and happiness alone. But also our cultures’ powerful sway in shaping our entire outlook and beliefs about nearly everything.

“Only by stepping outside my cultural bubble did I come to understand its heavy impact on me”

Until that moment, I’d naively believed that certain approaches to life were inherently human nature. But, these relationships and conversations shattered that illusion. Instead, they revealed the depths our cultural upbringings’ influences have on our perspectives. 

This enlightening evening, along with many more I’d enjoy that summer, made it clear that many aspects I’d previously taken for granted as being shared worldwide were, in actuality, significantly colored by my American cultural lens.

Consequently, this realization broadened my awareness of the vast range of human viewpoints and values. And shined a light on the many thoughtful and productive ways they can be experienced and prioritized.

Only by stepping outside my cultural bubble did I come to understand its heavy impact on me — how it had molded my opinions, beliefs, and biases about the world and humanity.

But, the point isn’t to label my cultural influences as purely good or bad. It’s about seeing them in relation to a wide spectrum of intriguing life options and values.

Reflecting on Cultural Influences: A Journey to Authenticity

As my understanding grew, I came to realize I had the freedom to objectively assess which elements aligned with who I was and aspired to be.

Further, I could consciously decide which values and life approaches I genuinely believed the most personally fulfilling and conducive to my well-being.

This recognition marked the beginning of a significant insight for me. It dawned on me that the journey to living a fulfilling life isn’t a one-dimensional path laid out by our cultural background but a broad arrangement of individual choices, each born of a unique mix of diverse experiences and perspectives.

“Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit.”

Jawaharlal Nehru

This was the starting point of my understanding the profound importance of aligning our lives and lifestyles with our authentic values, passions, and aspirations.

It became evident that the narrative of success, happiness, and fulfillment isn’t universal but rather a distinct make up that each of us can put together based on our own personal accumulation of experiences, both inherited and acquired.

Our discussions that summer illuminated the power we hold to explore beyond the confines of our cultural conditioning; to discover and embrace the elements that resonate most truthfully with our inner selves.

Aaron in Wherever Bar, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Aaron during another introspective pub moment, later, in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Spurred by my English friend’s insightful questions, I began asking myself questions in a way I hadn’t before.

What were my authentic feelings about these topics? 

How many of my viewpoints were truly mine, and how many had been products of my cultural environment?

I contemplated a variety of other perspectives, including those I hadn’t before considered, wondering if they might connect more sincerely with me.

Embracing Global Perspectives: The Diversity of Success and Happiness

In this process of introspection and self-discovery, I recognized that some of life’s most genuine and enriching elements might not be found within the familiar boundaries of home.

The world, in its immensity and diversity, hosts a multitude of communities and environments, each successful in distinctive ways, prioritizing different values and offering unique insights and ways of living.

The epiphany wasn’t a rejection of my cultural roots but an expansion of my worldview. 

It opened the door to the possibility that there are innumerable ways to lead a successful life, and many of them likely lie in corners of the globe I’ve yet to investigate.

This was more than an intellectual realization, it was the beginning of a personal quest to seek out these discrete destinations; to learn from them, and to find those that align with my aspirations for a meaningful life.

A balanced collage representing the diversity and vastness of the world, with equal amounts of cultural elements and landscapes

Beyond Borders: Embarking on a Journey of Global Discovery and Connection

“The pub, a relic of times past, and its eclectic patrons, served as more than a backdrop for a great night. Instead, it was a classroom without walls, where my preconceptions were dismantled, and my worldview expanded.”

Filled with questions, I left the pub that night feeling intellectually enlivened and emotionally energized.

The discussions, the laughter, the sharing of diverse perspectives hadn’t only provided an unforgettable evening but had also sown the seeds of a more far-reaching global awareness in me. Each conversation was a window into a world vastly different from my own.

Rather than from textbooks, I was learning from the lived experiences of people from across all parts of the planet.

That night in Covent Garden was more than engaging; it was a notable milestone on a journey towards a life that is consciously chosen, deeply felt, and authentically lived. A journey that can easily lead us across borders in search of places that resonate with our truest selves.

I felt a growing sense of kinship and breakthrough that evening as we raised our glasses, toasting new friendships and new understandings.

The pub, a relic of times past, and its eclectic patrons, served as more than a backdrop for a great night. Instead, it was a classroom without walls, where my preconceptions were dismantled, and my worldview expanded.

It was another pivotal moment in my personal growth as a global citizen. Moreover, it sparked in me an insatiable desire to understand more, to explore further, to connect deeper.

“Each conversation was a window into a world vastly different from my own.”

This same insatiable desire helps guide our quest for a second home abroad — a quest for a place to live, but also for a place to continue growing, learning, and connecting with the world in amazing and often unexpected ways.

The Unveiling: A Philosophy of Place and Well-Being

These relationships were my first real connections to a global community. What’s more, they ignited my curiosity to explore more of the world and better understand the myriad ways people live, think, and find happiness.

That unforgettable season wasn’t just a summer abroad; it was an awakening.

It didn’t just mark a chapter in my life. Instead, it was the prologue to a journey of self-discovery and global exploration.

Even more, it was the birth of a personal philosophy that acknowledges the deep impact our geographical choices have on our well-being, contentment, and sense of community. We’ll look at those ideas — and the transformative power of place — in much greater detail in our next post.

I couldn’t articulate it then. Nor would its full gravity dawn on me until years later. Yet, in retrospect, that London summer was probably the genesis of our family’s quest for an ideal second home.

Again, it was my first glimpse into the revelation that life abroad isn’t simply a front row seat to other ways of living. It’s a deeply enriching experience that could be considerably more fulfilling than life back home as I’d known it.

A scenic image representing a journey or pathway, a road leading off into the distance in a beautiful landscape.

Concluding Reflections: Embracing the Journey Ahead

“We are searching for a locale where our family’s story can continue to unfold in meaningful and enriching ways, a setting that not only accommodates but also elevates our way of living.”

As this inaugural post comes to a close, we find ourselves at the threshold of an extraordinary adventure.

Our pursuit of a second home is about more than an epic change of scenery; it’s a quest for a place that resonates with the assemblage of our life experiences, mirrors our deepest desires, and complements our evolving story as a global family.

Throughout this journey, we have realized that the essence of a home transcends its physical boundaries. It’s not solely about the walls that shelter us or the scenic views from our windows. Instead, it’s about the experiences that await us, the community we will be part of, and the memories we will create.

We are searching for a locale where our family’s story can continue to unfold in meaningful and enriching ways, a setting that not only accommodates but also elevates our way of living.

Coming Up Next: How the Places We Live Reflect and Shape Our Experiences

In our upcoming post, we’ll ponder the unique personalities of cities and how they have the power to reflect and shape different aspects of our identities.

We’ll explore the intriguing concept of the ‘mirror effect’ of cities, providing insights into how the essence of a place can become intertwined with our own essence.

On the Horizon: Next Steps of Our Journey

In the coming months, we’ll delve into the practicalities and the poetics of international living, demystifying the complexities of a life lived abroad.

From the euphoric highs to the sobering lows, the life lessons, and the unforeseen gems that make the journey worthwhile, we’ll share it all as we navigate the intricacies of finding a second home abroad.

We’ll also offer in-depth evaluations of potential destinations, assessing how well they align with our family’s most important lifestyle goals.

We hope that our well-researched journey will spark your own explorations and personal growth. Our aim is to offer you an authentic roadmap, a credible guide, motivating you to discover that special place where you can excel and live a life of fulfillment.

Your Part in Our Global Story

We invite you to be a part of this dialogue. Have you felt an extraordinary connection to a place? How has it reshaped your life and concept of home?

We’re eager to hear your stories. Share your experiences with us using #AspiringExpatsJourney. Together, let’s build a collective narrative, each one highlighting the unique ways that places connect with us and mold our sense of belonging.

Furthermore, each of your experiences is a valuable piece of the puzzle, offering rare insights and real-world wisdom that not only guide our family’s search for a second home but also enrich the journey for every reader dreaming of a life abroad.

Stay Engaged and Informed

Be an integral part of our expedition. Subscribe to our newsletter for exclusive insights and regular updates on our quest.

Certainly, if you’re up for it, your participation goes beyond only observation. By sharing your stories, tips, and insights on social media using the hashtag #AspiringExpatsJourney, you contribute to a communal pool of knowledge and inspiration.

Let’s collectively enrich this journey, drawing from our diverse experiences and aspirations to inspire each other.

A warm and inviting image depicting a sense of community in a global context, representing the quest for a second home abroad.

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Don’t miss out on our journey to find the perfect second home! Sign up for our newsletter and be the first to know about our latest adventures, tips, and discoveries

Thank you for embarking on this deeply personal voyage with us. Once more, we’re not just exploring locations; we’re in pursuit of a home that mirrors our most cherished values and lifestyle priorities. Until our next update, keep aspiring, exploring, and broadening your horizons.

With heartfelt gratitude and anticipation,

– Aaron & Family

“During my almost seven years spent living abroad, I’ve called London, Hamburg, Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Beijing, and Rome home – and from those hubs, traveled to many more incredible places.”

For an extra dose of inspiration to ignite your expat journey, our Destinations and About pages are must-visits.

Upcoming Destinations: Spotlight on Mallorca

Palma de Mallorca, Spain

In our upcoming posts, we’ll spotlight a number of destinations we’re excited to consider, first up being Mallorca, Spain. We’ll dissect its details and give you a taste of what could be our future home abroad.

From its historic villages, to its many hidden coves and beaches, to its thriving local and expat communities, we’re eager to share why Mallorca has captivated our imagination and how it might fit into our story.

Our Unexpected Chapter Abroad: Why We’re Pursuing a Second Home in a New Country