Mallorca Dreamin’:

The Spots We Can’t Wait to Explore

(And You Shouldn’t Either)

Alright, all, we’ve waxed poetic about WHY Mallorca has us hooked (if you missed it, check out our first post). Ready to see what’s got us this excited? Let’s dive into the actual PLACES that are fueling our island fantasies.

And here’s where you come in! Your insider tips and stories are like gold to us. We’re building the ultimate Mallorca adventure guide, and you’re the co-authors. So, let’s dive into the spots we can’t wait to explore – and find out if they’ll steal your heart too.

Falling in Love with Mallorca: Our Must-See List (And We Need Your Help)

“There’s a sunrise and a sunset every day, and you can choose to be there or not… You can choose to put yourself in the way of beauty.”

– Cheryl Strayed

Below are the top places that have us hooked:

(#1) đŸčđŸïž Cala d’Or and Cala Figuera: The Coastal Contrasts

Okay, I’ll admit it – the southeast is my Mallorca postcard brought to life! Cala d’Or is, basically, everything you dream of when you think ‘island getaway’: those secluded coves, the crystal-clear water… it’s kind of unreal. But if you want that relaxed, ‘everyone-knows-your-name’ feel, nearby Cala Figuera could be your spot. Imagine lazy afternoons, fresh-caught seafood lunches, no crowds in sight. Which one is more our speed?

I’m picturing myself relaxing on the soft sands and diving into the turquoise waters of Cala d’Or with my son, while my wife lounges on the beach with some signature cocktail by her side. But then again, the charming fishing village of Cala Figuera teases with promises of secret coves and fresh seafood… Decisions, decisions!

Here, you can choose your own adventure – energetic waterfront bars or quiet sunrise strolls. And with a quick drive, we can reach Colonia Sant Jordi, another spot high on our must-see list.

Depiction of Colonia Sant Jordi, Mallorca

(#2) đŸ–ïž Colonia Sant Jordi: Echoes of Summers Past

Colonia Sant Jordi reminds me of those carefree summers on the beach back home, but with a dash of that Mediterranean magic. Its wide-open beaches and easygoing vibe just seem to epitomize the idea of an endless summer. We picture simple pleasures: low-key mornings on the sand, gentle notes from my son’s guitar floating on the breeze, afternoon siestas under a beach umbrella, and leisurely walks along the promenade to a seaside cafĂ© or bar as the sun sets.

And there’s got to be a great local spot for ensaimadas here
 looking to you guys for help, please don’t hold back! Everyone appreciates a good foodie tip! 😊

Plus, Es Trenc beach is just a stone’s throw away – that slice of paradise where shimmering blue water meets fine white sand. And best of all, we’re still close to Cala d’Or and not too far from the buzz of Palma. Brilliant!

(#3) â›Ș Palma de Mallorca: A Blend of History and Buzz

Palma de Mallorca – history buffs, foodies, and Instagrammers, unite! Its iconic Gothic cathedral sets a perfect backdrop for a city with its fascinating past. Cobblestones worn smooth over centuries lead to ancient Arab baths and a grand palace. I imagine the scent of sizzling seafood, the crisp of toasted pa amb oli (bread with olive oil), and the subtle clinking of glasses in tiny tapas bars… it doesn’t get much better. Throw in some boutique shopping, an enticing nightlife scene, and beaches just a short walk away, and you’ve got the makings for a great time.

Palma de Mallorca, Spain

But let’s be real, after all our travels, we know the best bits happen away from the crowds. Heck, sometimes the best bits happen when you’re literally away from the crowds – like the time I got so magnificently lost in Venice and ended up wandering the streets all night until sunrise. Talk about an immersive cultural experience! 😉

So I’d love to hear your favorites! Which cafĂ© do the locals go to for the best cortado? Where can we find a hidden courtyard that captures the real spirit of this city?

(#4) ⛰ Fornalutx, Valldemossa, Deia: Cobblestones, Coffee, and Mountain Charm – Could This Be Our Escape?

I’m imagining mornings spent sipping strong Spanish coffee on a little balcony overlooking stone-paved streets. Leisurely paced strolls, maybe browsing local galleries and stopping for lunch at a sunlit cafĂ© tucked into a tiny square. All that sounds perfect, but honestly, we’re not immune to getting a touch restless. Are Fornalutx, Valldemossa, or Deia the types of places with enough buzz to entertain us? Or is there a more lively mountain village better suited for someone like me – a lover of peace and quiet who still likes a dose of excitement?

I love that these villages seem to exude a scintillating sense of artistic and creative inspiration; but admittedly they might look too charming for their own good. Are there little cafés with killer pastries, local festivals we can stumble into, or even a decent bar scene hidden off those quaint cobblestone streets? Any insight into what life is like beyond the postcard views would be amazing!

(#s 5+) 👀✹ Unexpected Delights: Other Corners of Mallorca We’re Eyeing

Beyond our main contenders, there’s really a whole world of Mallorca to uncover! We can already picture ourselves lost in the lively pulse of S’Arenal as music spills from the clubs. Yet, something also draws us to explore laid-back afternoons on the sandy beaches of Port d’AlcĂșdia and Port de Pollença.

Even just sipping spirits and cocktails alongside the yacht-lined marinas in Port d’Andratx and Port de Soller seems like a great way to indulge our imaginations while hanging on the fancier side. Is the yacht life the secret to happiness? We’re ready to find out! Let’s see what kind of trouble – I mean, adventures – we can find. đŸ„‚

Your Mallorca Stories = Our Compass

Image of a diverse group of people laughing together, sharing stories around a table in a cozy, sunlit café. In the background, there's a travel map with pins

Beyond the Guidebooks: Local Insights

Time and again, we believe a place’s heart beats strongest in the adventures beyond the guidebooks. There’s so much more to discover than our research could ever uncover alone. The real magic of Mallorca lies in the stories many of you share with us.

The Quest for Hidden Gems

Do you have a favorite hidden cala near Cala d’Or that’s an absolute must-visit? Or a local festival buzzing with live music that just might make the trip for my music-obsessed son? What’s your secret Mallorcan beach bar? Maybe you know a mountaintop cafĂ© with breathtaking panoramic views?  Do you know a local artist in Valldemossa whose studio we absolutely have to visit?

Mallorca’s Secret Escapes

Speaking of uncovering local Spanish secrets, my time in Barcelona showed me the power of insider knowledge in a bunch of ways. Like when an expat buddy and some Catalan friends introduced Barcelona’s clandestine speakeasy culture to me; its collection of night-time escapes ingeniously hidden throughout the city. These covert bars and lounges opened up a whole new world of Barcelona’s (already stellar) nightlife for me, offering countless intimate and exhilarating adventures that the guidebooks of the time rarely mentioned. It was like stepping into a secret world, where every cocktail had a story and every corner whispered secrets of the city’s past.

Image of gatĂł de ametlla. Mallorcan Almond Cake

It’s these unexpected discoveries that can completely change how a place is experienced. So, spill the beans, Mallorcans! What’s the local scoop on secret beaches, hole-in-the-wall cafĂ©s, or quirky festivals that only insiders know about? I mean those spots the locals keep close to their chests – the kind of places you feel cooler just for knowing about. A beachside jam session hideaway? A tiny mountain cafĂ© with the BEST gatĂł de ametlla (almond cake) on the island? Tell us about them! Your insights are invaluable.

We can’t wait to hear your Mallorca recommendations!

Community Recommendations

Image of a serene sunset over a secluded beach in Mallorca
  • Imagine gazing at the sun dipping below the horizon, and you want a tranquil Mallorca evening away from the crowds. What’s your go-to spot? A secluded beach with the sound of waves, or a hidden courtyard cafe in Palma with live music?
  • If you could give a newcomer just ONE piece of advice about Mallorca, what would it be?
  • What’s the most family-friendly beach near Colonia Sant Jordi, and what makes it special?
  • If you live in Valldemossa, what’s ONE thing I should know about daily life that a tourist wouldn’t see?
  • For digital nomads, where in Palma do you find the best cafes for remote work, and why?
  • If you could only recommend ONE tapas place in Palma, which would it be and why?
  • Have you stumbled upon a hidden joint that serves the most mind-blowing sobrasada (a spicy Mallorcan sausage)?
Image of sobrasada, olives, and Mallorcan wine.

Your stories and recommendations are truly our compass. With a massive decision like a second home abroad and limited time to explore, your insider knowledge gives us a real sense of Mallorcan life, in a way that is impossible to find on our own. Your insights help us get closer to figuring out whether or not the island truly resonates with our family’s values and lifestyle aspirations.

The Moments that Will Make Mallorca Memorable

Travel has long taught me that the best memories rarely follow a script. And it’s those unexpected connections that end up sticking with us most. 

Like a spontaneous trip to Rome years back, where new friends, eager to show us their favorite side of their home region, insisted we join them on a spur-of-the-moment beach getaway. 

Forget the amazing views or the (outrageously tasty) fresh bruschetta – instead, it was sharing those moments, hearing their stories, seeing their world through their eyes
 laughing under the endless summer sky, playing calcio (soccer) on the beach as the sun sank low, and the feelings of pure freedom washing over us – that’s what made those days by the sea so magical. It was that feeling of connection, however fleeting, that stays with me.

I’m hoping Mallorca holds a similar kind of magic – locals eager to share their intimate knowledge of the island, the chance encounters with fellow travelers who become unexpected companions. Because through those moments of genuine connection, the simple joy of shared experience – that’s when a place truly becomes a part of you. With open hearts, we’re ready for all the fascinating surprises Mallorca has to offer.

That’s also the Mallorca I hope to experience, one that rounds out our experience and offers real insights into whether this island holds the keys to being the second home we’re seeking.

✹ Help Us Make Mallorca Memories: Share Your Stories & Tips

Your Wisdom as Our Guide

Specific Asks: To focus our exploration, here are a few specific questions I hope you’ll ponder and share your insights on:

  • Making Connections: How did you meet local families and expats when you first arrived in Mallorca? Any insider tips for finding a community quickly?
  • Foodie Paradise: We love exploring through food! What are the must-try Mallorcan dishes, local ingredients, and hidden culinary spots that we can’t miss? Any insider tips on markets or family-run restaurants?
  • The Practical Side: Were there any unexpected expenses or logistical challenges associated with buying or renting in Mallorca that we should be aware of?

What Happens Next:

Your collective wisdom will be invaluable as we plan our itinerary and experience the island. With the suggestions you’re open to sharing with the community, I’ll integrate your most insightful tips, stories and recommendations into the Mallorca sections of! There’s no doubt your shared experiences will guide our real-life adventures once we finally step foot on the island. 

Sharing Our Experiences

  • Sharing on-the-Ground Experiences: We’ll document our trip, sharing our honest reflections on the places we visit, the people we meet, and whether or not Mallorca still feels like a potential home after we experience it in person. Stay tuned for those stories!
  • Here to Pay it Forward: This is a two-way street!  How can I be a resource for you as well? Whether it’s keeping my ears to the ground for great rental options, helping you navigate cultural nuances, or connecting you with locals or other travelers/expats – I’m here to help.  Even if it’s just passing along tips to help you find your favorite morning coffee spot – I’ll do my best to help you elevate your Mallorcan experience.

Have a burning question about life in Mallorca? Ask away! Wondering about family-friendly neighborhoods? The best farmers’ markets? The truth about how bad the mosquitos really are? No question is too big or too small!

  • Mallorca Meetup, Anyone? Planning a trip to Mallorca anytime soon? Or are you already taking in the sun there? Let’s grab a coffee in Palma, check out a cala together, or share stories over a beachfront tapas. We’re all about building community!

Let’s make this a journey we take together. Your insights truly shape the way we experience Mallorca and give us a greater chance of finding the perfect place to call our second home.

The Countdown Begins…

Mallorca sunset, photo by Katarzyna Kolodziej on Unsplash

… And a Whole Lotta Gratitude

Wrapping up this post, I feel an incredible rush of gratitude. This journey is already so much richer because of you guys and the stories you’ve shared. We’re counting down the days until our feet hit Mallorcan soil – and we can’t wait to share every sun-soaked, sangria-fueled moment with you. The coming months hold tremendous promise! With your stories as our guide, we’ll dive headfirst into Mallorca, ready for the sunshine and the surprises.

It’s crazy – I’m so ready to finally smell that salty air and get lost in the maze of those old towns. I’m dying to explore everything – Cala d’Or, Colonia Sant Jordi, the buzz of Palma, the quiet of the mountains… they’re all calling to us. But we all know the most memorable bits of travel aren’t on the map… they’re in the people we meet, the friends we make, and that feeling of finding a place where you truly feel at home.

I’m so grateful to be sharing this with all of you – this amazing community we’re building. Each tip and memory pushes one question closer to its answer: Could Mallorca be our new home? Could this island give us the life we dream of, one overflowing with new experiences, new friends, and a deeper connection to the world?

đŸ» Adventure Awaits: Toasting Mallorca’s Unforeseen Delights

So here’s to the spirit of discovery, to the stories waiting to be told, and to the potential of finding a place that feels like home – a further extension of our global family. We’ll share every step as we go – the thrills, the laughs, maybe even a few mishaps along the road!

From sleepy mountain villages, buzzing seaside towns, and every sun-filled cala along the way – we’re ready for it all, and can’t wait to peel back the layers of this island. Our hope is that Mallorca feels like a natural extension of our family; somewhere we can authentically thrive.

Regardless, we certainly can’t wait to find out! So, bring on the tapas recommendations, the quirky hidden gem tips, and even those “oh geez, don’t do what I did” travel stories. Let’s tackle this Mallorca exploration together, and make memories we’ll laugh about for years to come.

Hasta pronto!  Once again, gracias desde el fondo de mi corazĂłn for being an integral part of our Aspiring Expats family. And thank you for being our Mallorca insiders! Let’s make this adventure one we’ll never forget.

With wanderlust and open hearts,

Aaron & Family

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Mallorca Dreamin’: The Spots We Can’t Wait to Explore (And You Shouldn’t Either)