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About Aaron

The Making of an Aspiring Expat

Aaron in Waikiki

Embracing the ‘Human Family’: How Sports, Travel & Connection Shaped Me

There’s a word the Germans have: Fernweh. It means a longing for distant places. I’ve become exceedingly familiar with that feeling over the years – for places, for sure, but even more for the people and experiences that make them special.


“My story isn’t neat or linear – it’s a mix brewed from different countries, cultures, and life experiences.”

Building Bridges from the Early On

I grew up immersed in the world of sports. The son of a professional (American) football player, some of my most vivid childhood memories were of hanging at the team’s practice facility – witnessing firsthand how teamwork, camaraderie, and shared goals could bring people from vastly different backgrounds together in a spirit of fraternity to achieve great things (like winning the Super Bowl which they did!).

Growing up in a multiethnic family taught me a lot about the beauty and complexities of human connection. Even surrounded by the comfort of family, I still witnessed the subtle sting of assumptions and the pain that ignorance and misperceptions can cause. With a variety of voices and perspectives around me from the beginning, I became acutely aware of both the misunderstandings that divide us and the shared joys that bind us together. 

During my own years as a competitive youth athlete, I reveled in the moments playing alongside teammates from all walks of life, the thrill of achieving goals together, and the elation of the friendships we formed; my teammates becoming like brothers.

Those years on the field and court shaped who I am today. They were an early lesson that real connection can happen anywhere, with anyone, when we focus on what we share instead of what sets us apart. Watching the power of connection, day in, day out, overcome all kinds of divisions, cemented for me the critical importance of building bridges and celebrating what unites us.

These would become core guiding principles.

Awakening a Global Perspective  

At university, I was exposed to more global perspectives. Through diverse classmates and an epic summer studying overseas in London, my days were filled with conversations with students from every corner of the globe. During these – along with my upcoming (nearly seven) years living abroad in Argentina, China, England, Germany, Italy, Spain, and extensive travels to countries like South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, and Ukraine – my eyes (and heart) were truly opened. 

No matter where I was in the world, I was consistently humbled by unexpected kindnesses. Locals (who could’ve easily ignored me) chose to embrace me, share their lives, and challenge my preconceived notions. It wasn’t just about exploring famous landmarks or learning new languages; it was the warmth of the people and our shared experience that made it impossible to not see them, and in turn, myself, through a much wider lens.

Despite our differences, it became clearer and clearer that the core of what connects us — kindness, laughter, curiosity, friendship — is indeed universal.

Cities That Resonate: Finding the Places Where We Flourish

Each city I settled in awakened different parts of me. My time in London, England laid the groundwork for my identity as a global citizen. Its multicultural atmosphere – a bit like my own family – was both familiar and exhilaratingly challenging. The constant stepping outside my comfort zone led to incredible personal growth.

I began to realize that the world is filled with communities of all shapes and sizes, each with its own unique energy and values. Some resonated deeply with me, amplifying parts of myself I didn’t even know existed and highlighting possibilities I hadn’t considered. 

The very best places felt like an extension of me; reinforcing the most cherished aspects of myself, mirroring a wider range of personally meaningful qualities, and aligning deeply with my aspirations, values, passions, and desired lifestyles. They were like finding a home I hadn’t known I was missing – so much ‘just clicked.’

“Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.”

 Miriam Beard

In Barcelona, Spain, I found deep resonance with its rhythm. The city’s most pervasive ways of life — celebrating community, social relationships, and purposeful work; combining leisurely beach life with the buzzing excitement of the big city, overflowing with creative energy, even its obsession with fútbol — echoed so many of my favorite parts of myself.

Here I learned to embrace the everyday, and to savor each moment no matter how big or small. Barcelona reflected a life aligned closer to my core than I’d imagined before, and in the process seemed to somehow soothe unknown aches I’d barely noticed had been there.

The Places that Shape Us: Lessons from Abroad

With every border I crossed, I uncovered more layers of myself and found new avenues of growth. In each home, I experienced connection and learned priceless lessons that would inform my evolving character.

Hamburg, Germany, with its commitment to sustainability and the joy of my son’s birth there, transformed my sense of responsibility. The city revealed what a harmonious balance between a thriving present and a secure future could look like. It was here that leaving a better world for the next generation became intrinsically ingrained into my idea of a life well-lived.

Buenos Aires, Argentina was like a classroom for understanding the unbreakable human spirit. It embodied impassioned resolve and adaptability amidst life’s complexities. The Porteños taught me the power of perseverance, steadfastly choosing ‘passionate engagement with life’ even in the face of the harshest adversities. Their example fundamentally changed my understanding of resilience, and has undoubtedly shaped my own approaches to life’s inevitable challenges.

The Power of Unexpected Connection

“We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race.”

Kofi Annan

Beijing, China unveiled a world of warmth I never anticipated. On the bottom floor of my apartment high-rise was a French bakery run by an unforgettable Chinese family. From shared stories, regularly surprising me with homemade dumplings, helping me navigate local markets, to SO much more – their warmth, kindness and the genuine connection we forged (despite my terrible attempts at speaking the language!) shattered our cultural barriers.

Each act of generosity, large or small, was a reminder that kindness transcends language and culture. Their gestures taught me the universality of compassion and underscored the role of relationship in making a foreign place feel like home. My experiences there are constant reminders that the most enriching encounters often come when – and where – we least expect them.

This was further reinforced in Rome, Italy. Its historical grandeur is undeniable, but it was new friends and a spontaneous invitation to the coast, revealing a side of Rome rarely explored in the guidebooks, that captured my heart. Bruschetta under the open sky, calcio (soccer) in the sand at dusk, endless laughter, stories, and the joy of simply being together. These unplanned adventures reminded me that the most magical moments are often found in the unexpected — and that true connection is the heart of travel.

“It is not down in any map; true places never are.”

Herman Melville

Full Circle: Connection, Community & Building a Better Future

These experiences have shown me that life is better, more enjoyable, and has more potential (collectively and individually) when we embrace our shared humanity and are able to find and be a part of the communities that best align with our deepest passions, values and aspirations.

These understandings inspire everything I do, and constantly “motivate” me to build bridges and communities that bring a little more of that ‘human family’ feeling into the world. Aspiring Expats isn’t just about sharing our family’s search for an ideal second residence – it’s about finding communities where we feel at home, and about the power of connection across borders.

“Aspiring Expats is about empowering us to live our best lives; it’s about embracing new possibilities, discovering parts of ourselves we didn’t know existed, and growing in ways we never imagined.”

If Aspiring Expats helps our friends and family stay connected to us, as we explore the wild world of living abroad, I’ll be a happy man. 

If, in some small way, our experiences help bring together a community that leans into a future where those collective familial feelings extend far beyond the borders of our hometowns – one where we all have greater support and freedom to express our most authentic selves – I’ll be beyond thrilled. 

In my work with both active and former professional athletes, I see a similar fire for creating fulfilling second acts that align with their passions. It allows me to support them as they expand their own boundaries. By helping clients discover new talents, find communities passionate about their off-the-field pursuits, and build sustainable post-career lives, I’m fostering the same sense of connection and growth that I’ve found so exciting throughout my journey.

The Adventure Continues: Join Me

This story, like my life, is far from over 🤞. The lessons, the laughter, the unexpected connections – they continue to unfold with each new place and each new face. This isn’t simply about finding a perfect home abroad for my family, but an ongoing exploration of the human spirit and the places where we can truly thrive.

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

I believe we can create a better world, one built on connection and finding those places where we truly thrive.  Join me on this journey, be a part of this community. Let’s explore what global citizenship means and how it can change our lives. Stay connected through Aspiring Expats, I’ll keep sharing my experiences – from the amazing to the embarrassingly awkward 😊 – and maybe I’ll inspire you to step into your own adventure. 

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